i’m karolin. 

holistic sexuality coach & yoga teacher

Do you feel stuck and don’t know even where to start to untangle your intimate challenges? Are you upset with yourself that you have let things gone so far? Do you occasionally enjoy intimacy, but feel like there is more, that you want to get a deeper experience out of intimacy and your whole life?

Do you feel like everyone is enjoying their intimate lives, and you are not normal for having challenges?

Somewhere deep inside, you long to relax, to just be yourself, to feel that you are enough and that your needs are valid. 

sound familiar?

I used to be very disconnected from myself, my integrity, my body and my intimate life was far from satisfying…

I avoided facing my challenges as it was embarrassing, and I felt inadequate. After many years of partly avoiding and also not finding adequate solutions, I found myself on my first course exploring ancient eastern wisdoms in intimacy in 2008. It was a beautiful, heart opening course where I felt I had found my first answers to the secrets of intimate bliss. However, the journey onwards to satisfaction was by no means linear. Still, I kept going despite setbacks, and after some years of explorations reached to such blissful ecstatic states I couldn’t even dream I was capable of.

From there grew deep knowledge in me, that anyone can and is capable of experiencing deeply satisfying intimate life and I started to spread the wisdom of intimate bliss. To dive deeper myself and also be able to help others more thoroughly, I started to look into the science of sex, and began my collaboration with the leading scientist in the field of orgasms, Dr Jim Pfaus.

In 2019, I had the privilege of participating in the International Academy of Sex Research conference, where I presented a case study on my self-induced whole-body energetic orgasms without genital stimulation and their impact on the body’s hormonal levels, which I conducted in collaboration with Dr Pfaus.

In 2022, a scientific article on this research was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

The same year, I also completed my master’s degree in clinical sexology and couple therapy, writing my thesis on orgasms and the methods to achieve deep sexual satisfaction.

with all my heart

I am here to support you on your path

I have heard thousands of intimate stories first hand and unfortunately intimate dissatisfaction is the norm worldwide.  As I have also been there, I can empathize with you.

It is common for individuals and couples to avoid facing their intimate challenges for years. Everything else seems to be more urgent to solve, and admitting you are having a challenge is such a sensitive topic that makes so many feel they are not good enough.

For so many women, sex is painful, or numb, and they have lost all desire to engage in it. So many women give their bodies within relationships to avoid conflict, suffering in silence. Men have stopped asking for sex with the fear of being rejected once again, losing self-confidence.    

Challenges come to individuals and couples of all ages, to teenagers who are not yet connected to their bodies and needs, to parents with young children struggling to reconnect back to their intimate life and to mature men and women facing impacts of ageing. 

wherever you are on your path, I am here to support your journey into the depths of satisfaction

the reviews


courses, consultations & events

Experience Deep Satisfaction

Intimate satisfaction is such a fundamental basis of our overall wellbeing. Its impacts reach far beyond the bedroom. Women, suppressing and silencing their source & essence from which they were born, silence their voice in the society. Men not managing their life force lose self-confidence, motivation & drive.

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