About me

My name is Karolin Tsarski.

I’m a woman on a continuous journey to get connected to my deepest sexual essence. I’m sharing my story, my path, so you could also reach ineffable bliss, orgastic experiences, and deep sexual satisfaction.

I started my sexual life blocked, locked, and disconnected. I was incapable of intercourse. However, something in my knew, that I too must be able to experience some pleasure…

When I saw or heard about whole-body orgasms, I thought that this was reserved for some great sexual masters or extraordinary women who were born that way, I wasn’t hoping to ever get there, I just wanted some simple enjoyment…

So I set on a path to find it. I did many experiments on myself to discover the world of orgasm…and where I reached went beyond my belief. I started having experiences I never believed were possible for me. I also had many setbacks, many choices I would never repeat, as they threw me back further to being closed, blocked and even phobic of touch…from which it took once again time and conscious effort to come out.

Sometimes when life shakes us into pieces, breaks us down, takes away seemingly all that we are, or we have or believe to be, it gifts us at the same time a profound opportunity to find ourselves. Just then when masks drop, the weight is shed, it is then when we look inside, we see who we truly are. Connecting to your depth you find love, nothing more and nothing less.

The path continues. The world of orgasm is an infinite universe in itself and I believe it can take a lifetime to discover its depths. 

What I do know and promise, that it is possible for everyone to awaken orgasmic energy within, and start experiencing deep, truly satisfying orgasms, with or without a partner, with or without stimulation. And this will affect your physical health, your emotional balance, and mental well-being. It can make radical changes to your whole experience of life.

On this webpage and courses, I’m taking you on my journey. My naked truth. However, my aim is not for you to follow in my footsteps, but to use these practices and teachings to connect to yourself, to connect to your own yoni wisdom. It is there, waiting to be awakened.  The true teacher is within each one of You.

– Karolin Tsarski

My studies

I value time spent in silence, which has allowed me to connect to my yoni wisdom, as my most profound teacher. Nevertheless, external studies have been supportive in purifying mind-chatter in bringing me closer to my intuition. I highlight here just a few courses, which have positively inspired me and supported me in getting connected to my yoni wisdom:

  • The London School of Economics and Political Science / BSc Social Anthropology
  • Instituto Superior de Estudios Psicologicos /Master’s in Couple and Sex Therapy
  • Yoga Alliance/ International Yoga Federation / 500h-Yoga Teacher Training
  • Usui Reiki Ryohi / Usui Reiki Healing Method
  • Anuenue / Lomi-Lomi Hawaii Temple Style Body Work
  • Centro de Desarollo Humano Azultik & Hoja Santa Casa de los Remedios / Holistic Massage
  • Aratava / Being Your Own Life Master Course
  • In addition, I have taken various tantra and tantra yoga courses and participated in many holistic retreats.