are you ready to experience true depth in intimacy?

This course will take you to your core, to your heart, your truth. You will discover, connect & experience the blossoming of your intimate essence within.

sound familiar?

maybe you’ve felt like this BEFORE

With so much external input of information on how a woman should be in her expression of sexuality and adding the performance based goal-oriented environment we live in, a lot of women never have had the chance to connect to their true essence, to their heart’s longing, their needs their wishes and instead conform to what they “should be”. The harsh truth is that if we are not connected to our own heart, we have a tendency to seek this love outside and feel the obligation to give our bodies to please the partner to receive acceptance.  

I am here to remind you, that you are enough, there is nothing wrong with you, you have no blockages, that your needs are valid, and it is possible for you to experience what your heart longs for in intimacy. 

do you feel comfortable in your comfort zone?

you know there is something more, but you keep postponing to face it…

Instead of passion, bliss, satisfaction, connection, that you long to experience in intimacy, your passion doesn’t ignite, you feel obliged & pressured to engage in it, and your body feels numb or painful during intimate encounters. Perhaps sometimes you feel some superficial pleasure, but not what your heart desires. Deep inside, you know there must be something more…

Women of all ages experience intimate dissatisfaction. Whether you are in the beginning of your intimate journey and you have not yet experienced the pleasure you thought intimacy would bring, or perhaps you have enjoyed intimacy, but with long-term relationship and kids it has just been lost in the background, or you have reached menopause discovered that your body is suddenly different in intimacy, and you feel you have lost the spark and desire within. 

you are not alone in your challenges. 80% of women worldwide report dissatsifying intimate life…

but guess what? It doesn't have to be that way.

Imagine that you could live this life in your own pace, taking your time, walking in your own rhythm, valuing your intuition and following your heart, taking time to be and not always do. Instead of rushing, achieving, accomplishing to meet a standard, you pause, breathe, slow down and discover your own essence, and connect to internal integrity. 

Instead of pleasing everyone else and striving to be “a good woman”, you stop to listen to yourself and value your heart’s longing. 


what would your life look like IF

You stopped longing for approval and allowed yourself to be your authentic self and start listening to your needs, your heart, your intuition, not anybody else’s. This internal integrity is the basis of intimate bliss.

Do you long to just be yourself, connected to your heart’s longings, knowing your needs are valid, feeling free and comfortable to express them and not feel needy or demanding to do so? Do you wish to be heard and understood so you can experience the intimate union based on love and the depth of ecstasy that is actually naturally within you? The journey starts from within. Connecting and listening to yourself. 

are ready to experience all of this?

i've done this and so can YOU!

I used to be very disconnected to my body, my heart, my needs, my satisfaction. I either avoided any intimacy or pretended whilst suffering in silence, pleasing the partner, not listening to my own body crying out. Intimacy was uncomfortable, and I felt not enough as a woman.

But I longed to be “normal”. It seemed that everyone around me is enjoying intimacy, that this is something so natural. I really just didn’t know how to do it or where to look for solutions. Slowly I started discovering some eastern teachings and the possibilities of bodily bliss started opening up for me. My path in discovering bliss was no way linear, and I kept making the mistake of listening to others, instead of myself.  

Today I can put my hand on my heart and say I am satisfied. I never even believed or could dream of what I am experiencing now. I am on the path, there is so much more to discover. But I know that bliss is available for you, and it doesn’t have to be such a long and challenging path for you as it was for me. 


I am here to support you on your path.

the course

This course is not just about discovering pleasure. It is about connecting to your self, your body, your heart and soul and reach the true depths of satisfaction.


the course LESSONS

module ONE

Inner Integrity & Wisdom Within

Your journey starts with deep internal reflections of your inner integrity, bringing light and insights into where you are not accepting your wholeness or living your truth. 

You will gain insights into your true desires, and accept your boundaries. You will learn how to start listening to your wisdom within. 

Module TWO

sensuality in daily life

In this module, you will learn to transform your daily life into mindful living. You will learn to prioritize your own time and bring more lightness and enjoyment to your daily life. Life may keep throwing us challenges, here you will learn to ease into them and experience relaxation in the most mundane tasks! You will notice a direct and significant impact of this transformation in your ability to naturally experience intimate pleasure. 

Module Three


Yoga practice will help you to experience the here and now, the only time you can experience true satisfaction. The practices will help you to calm your mind, and manage it as it tends to wander off to experiences or daily preoccupations during intimacy, inhibiting you from experiencing pleasure. The practices will help you to reconnect to your body, awaken your sensual energies and increase your sensitivity so you could experience pleasure on totally new heights. 

Module four

beautiful body

In this module, you will re-establish a friendly and kind relationship with your body, reaching a deep sense of acceptance of yourself. Special focus is on awakening your heart to yourself by practices of self-compassion and sensual breast massage. 

Module five

Immersing into Sensuality

In this module, you let go and release all the psychological subconscious inhibitions regarding your sensual sexual self. There is so much shame & guilt surrounding sexuality and having to be “a good woman” in general that inhibits the free expression of our sensual selves. This module will allow you to release these mental patterns and feel free to express the wild woman within!

Module six

awakening sexual energy

In this module, you will learn practices to awaken your sexual energy in your body. Whether you feel you have never been quite in contact with it, or you have lost it due to negative experiences, daily life stressors, in a long-term relationship, or with maturity, these practices will awaken your energy and allow you to truly feel your powerful essence! 

module seven

whole-body orgasms

In this last module, we will cross all the boundaries you have known so far as pleasure and dive deep into the depths of satisfaction, allowing ourselves to feel more & to expand beyond the known limits of pleasure.   



join the journey

Sign up and receive video, audio & written tutorials broken up into 7 easy-to-digest sections. Each lesson contains practical and actionable advice.



Get access to a private Telegram community where you can discuss, ask questions, get feedback, and connect with others.



I will personally answer to any of your inquires and questions, either in the Telegram group or if you prefer private message or email.



I encourage you to really immerse yourself and DO the practices to see REAL results. You have plenty of time, to move in your own pace and enjoy the journey!

kind words from participants

don't miss THE BONUSES


Use this guide to find harmonious ways of communicating your true needs with your partner, without hurting their feelings, and bringing your intimacy to a new level.


Wish to give your partner a gift of sensual touch? Use this guide to ensure a blissful outcome so both of you immerse in the enjoyment of the journey to bliss.


Once you feel you are connected to your heart and love within, use this audio guide to practice sharing your beautiful heart even in challenging and triggering situations to expand your experience of acceptance, surrender and true depth.


yes, I want to experience this course what does it COST?

if you join today, you’ll get

an exclusive 1 hour private call with me

and access to women’s Telegram group

Should you wish to take the course in complete privacy, I will answer all your inquiries via email

enroll today for just


one payment of


30 days


join in with complete peace that if you feel the practices are not guiding you closer to yourself and theories are not giving you insights you will get your money back no questions asked

i’m karolin. 

holistic sexuality coach and yoga teacher

It has become my heart’s mission to share holistic sexual wellness education, & ancient yoga teachings and integrate science with ancient wisdom.

  • 2008 I started studying ancient eastern sexual wisdom. 
  • 2014 I started teaching classical tantric yoga philosophy and practices
  • 2017 I started giving holistic sexuality courses 
  • 2019, I presented my case-study on instant whole-body orgasms in the International Academy of Sex Research Conference in collaboration with Dr Pfaus.
  • 2022, I obtained a master’s degree in clinical sexology and couple therapy.
  • 2022 The Journal of Sexual Medicine published the article on the study done in collaboration with Dr Jim Pfaus on my instant whole body orgasms. 

The course I have put together is based on my own experience, validated by scientific research and my studies of eastern wisdom, as well as inspired and crafted by the hundreds of stories I have heard from men sharing their intimate challenges.

frequently asked questions

Yes, absolutely! This course is all about you awakening your sexuality within you. It consists of individual practices for you to do on your own.

Many women have joined the course with this concern. All of them have reported, that within one month the partner seeing the changes happening opens up and becomes curious and is willing to also take responsibility for their part in connecting in intimacy.

Yes, this course is all about reconnecting to your heart, healing your relationship with your body, and gently and safely opening you up to your pleasure. Make sure you establish your firm “no” and do not do any practices you don’t yet feel comfortable with. If you feel you need further support, I am available for you on every step of your way. 

It is so important not only to realize but to have a personal experience that when you dedicate time just for yourself, value yourself, take time to be, rest, reconnect with your heart, you will be able to be so much more effective and impactful with all your other activities. It is important for you to find your own rhythm to do this course, there is no rush. It is already impactful to take 10-15 min regularly to dwell into the course and as you gently learn to integrate your own time into your life, and value it. As you go along, you will start finding comfort and ease into longer immersions into the practices.

Yes, absolutely (given you feel ready to explore your sexuality). Weather you are just starting your sexual explorations, or you have reached beautiful maturity, the life force is there within in all women. This course is all about guiding any woman into connecting to their very own sensuality, no matter where they are in their lifepath.  

women's experiences

Absolutely perfect!

All of this is so worthwile. The online environment is a perfect way to teach women. I am so happy when I do the practices and take this time for myself.

I fly around in my workplace, it feels amazing! This is a reflection, what is happening in home environment. The impact of this course reaches beyond than my person, my home, it goes with me everywhere I go! This is what I am most happy about! 

– beatrice

Whole new level!

I find that all the information was very useful, interesting, thought-provoking and eye-opening. I didn’t think there were actually so many things I didn’t know. I feel much more relaxed and free. The tension has been replaced by peace and self-acceptance. The video environment is beautiful and inspiring, the videos are high-quality and meaningful. Super satisfied. As women, we demand so much from ourselves and forget the most important thing – ourselves. The course  allowed me to see myself again as a strong and powerful woman, to get in touch with myself. Finally, I have learned to ask myself what I want and how I am doing. The course broadened my world view of what is still possible if I let myself be free of limitations.

– Lisbeth

I have constant desire!

The way I admire my husband has changed. This has created a situation where there is constant desire! I got back in touch with myself and rekindled my passion for my beloved partner. I had a problem getting my upper half and lower half in harmony! The energy has also changed, I have experienced an energetic orgasm, without any genital stimulation, rather just by gazing at each other and gentle caresses on the back, the experience was so wild! Thank you for this journey!

– natalie

The experience I longed for!

Something is completely different in my sexual life. I enjoy my body so much more, I think less and enjoy my being. I worry less, I am more playful, happier, more present and in my heart. The depth that I was longing for, I am actually experiencing it now.

– sofia

Where have I been?

It is wonderful how much clarity I got from this course! It just leaves me to ask myself, where have I been before? The online environment is beautiful, inspiring, easy to use and so thorough. I feel now so much more relaxed and free. Tension has been replaced with peace and acceptance.  We demand so much from ourselves as women- and forget the most important – ourselves. I got the focus back and feel again empowered and in contact with myself. It expanded my horizons of what is possible, if I let go of limitations. 

– Maribel

It actually works!

Amazing course! In the beginning, I didnt know what to expect, but everything you teach actually works!  What’s different – now I have an orgasm with every intercourse! And very quickly, you don’t even need foreplay! Rather, you have to restrain yourself! Very cool, I am so glad I got to learn from you ! 

– Katie

by silencing your sexuality you silence your SELF

Silencing your intimate pleasure has far-reaching impacts on your physical and psychological wellbeing. It is the source which feeds and gives the spark to your whole being. By suppressing your sexuality, you suppress your intuition, your voice, your self-confidence, compassion, creativity, motivation & inner balance…  

There have been external standards throughout ages of what a woman’s sensuality and sexuality should be like, not allowing women to really connect to their own individual needs, desires, heart’s longings and often leaving them feel as if they are broken, not enough, or not normal for not fitting the standard. Women have learned to suppress their desires and do what the partner – and often society – wants.

This course invites you to discover your very own standard, to discover the wisdom within to reconnect with your naked truth and give you the lightness and liberty to express your sensuality to its fullest. 

Your body belongs to you, and by awakening your pleasure, you regain the freedom to be who you really are, to be in touch with your own inner intuition and wisdom, and to express yourself as you see fit.

Every woman is special and so is her sexuality. What is pleasurable for one woman may not be so for another, and vice versa. There is no right or wrong sexuality. As women, we are right just as we are.

For many women, sexuality is dormant. Some have never had an orgasm, for some sex is painful or just a dull activity. For many, their sexuality has been put on the background due to everyday life obligations or just diminished in a long-term relationship, for others by trauma or simply unpleasant experiences.

But it doesn’t have to stay that way. 


With simple practices and exercises, it’s possible to awaken your sexuality and reach experiences you never thought possible.

enroll today for just


one payment of


30 days


join in with complete peace that if you feel the practices are not guiding you closer to yourself and theories are not giving you insights you will get your money back no questions asked

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