do you want to master your lifeforce & experience True Satisfaction?

This course will help you to master your sexual energy and expand your pleasure beyond the habitual ejaculatory orgasm. 

sound familiar?

maybe you’ve felt like this BEFORE

Most men start off their intimate explorations masturbating, but without having a safe and comfortable private space, learn to do it quickly & with tension. It is also common to get used to watching porn to get stimulated. Thus, a very specific way of arousal and sexuality is learned at a young age, and such habitual patterns carry over in couple interactions. 

Orgasm for the majority of men lasts just moments. And although these moments are intensely pleasurable, generally there is a feeling of exhaustion, loss of motivation & desire afterwards.  

Men’s intimate challenges are not very openly talked about, however they are widespread. There is a lot of performance anxiety for men to get hard and last long. The inability to ejaculate during intercourse is also a common challenge. 

do you want to gain mastery over your sexuality?

you know there is something more, but you keep postponing to face it…

Statistically men have a rather high sexual satisfaction levels compared to women. I would challenge these results. Ejaculatory orgasm is so intensely pleasurable and has become such a widespread norm, that men don’t often even realize, that there could be something so much more they could experience. Imagine a long-lasting whole-body orgasm, after which you feel full of energy, power, self-confidence, motivation and desire to continue lovemaking.  

The reality for most men is far from this, and men of all ages face various challenges. Young men who are just exploring their bodies don’t know yet how to best manage their awakened sexuality. Men in long-term relationships may find they have lost the passion and desire towards their partner, despite loving them. Reaching maturity, men may find that their body doesn’t quite function as it used to… In addition, commonly spread health factors impede sexual functioning. 

you are not alone in your challenges. although not talked about, many men face intimate challenges

but guess what? It doesn't have to be that way.

Imagine that you could have mastery over your sexual energies: awaken your energies and get aroused when you choose to do so; maintain arousal for as long as you wish; manage your sexual energy harmoniously if you feel it is too strong or overwhelming. 

And what’s more, you could take your pleasure to new limits.


what would your life look like IF

You could start any intimate interaction with complete ease, feeling confident about your body, managing your sexual energies & arousal the way you desire.

If you have abundance of sexual energy, imagine it being balanced in your body, and not getting mastery over you, but instead being able to manage and guide it in ways that you choose. 

Imagine having whole-body orgasms that last, and last, and last… and once you come out of the orgasm, instead of feeling exhausted you feel energized, instead of feeling empty you feel motivated to reach your goals, instead of feeling distant, you feel deeply connected with your partner 

are ready to experience all of this?

i've done this and so can YOU!

Your first thought may be, but you are a woman! How can you relate?

Trust me, I can. When it comes to orgasms, regardless of gender, an important differentiation I make in orgasms is between “implosive” and “explosive” orgasms, which is very similar for all genders.  I used to experience orgasms only from clitoral stimulation, which would be anatomically corresponding to penis stimulation. I rushed and longed for this intense momentary peak pleasure, often squeezing it out. Afterwards, however, I felt a complete loss of energy and desire to continue any intimate activity. Looking back, I can say my experiences were far from satisfaction and bliss. Today, having explored my personal orgastic potential and reached beyond what I ever imagined, I started getting questions from men – is it possible for me? 

And the answer is yes, absolutely! You too can have blissful long-lasting whole-body orgasms with or without an erection should you wish! 

I have also heard hundreds of case-studies, both in private consultations and in workshops, and helped numerous men reach their desired results as well as igniting experiences in them, they never believed possible. 

I am here to support you on your path.

the course

This course will help you gain mastery over your life-force and expand your pleasure beyond the habitual limits.


the course LESSONS

module ONE

The fundamentals

This module sets the foundation by explaining the ins and outs of ejaculation, erection, and the factors you need to know to gain better control over your body and mind.

This module also explores the differences between implosive and explosive orgasms or ejaculatory orgasm and non-ejaculatory orgasm.

It will also get you connected to your inner integrity, your authentic self, so you would know what you truly want and most importantly, why. 

Module TWO


Yoga practice will help you to experience the here and now, the only time you can experience true satisfaction. The practices will help you to calm your mind, and manage it as it tends to wander off to experiences or daily preoccupations during intimacy, inhibiting you from experiencing pleasure. The practices will help you to reconnect to your body, awaken your sensual energies and increase your sensitivity so you could experience pleasure on totally new levels. 

Module Three

Pelvic Floor

In this module, you will get to know the workings of all the muscles that are involved in erection and various different practices to train each muscle group. 

These practices will help you to awaken and gain control over erection & ejaculation. 

Module four

Whole-body orgasms

In this module, we will cross all the boundaries you have known so far as pleasure and dive deep into the depths of satisfaction, allowing yourself to feel more, to expand beyond the known limits of pleasure.   

Module five

Beyond Pleasure

A man’s heart longs for freedom. This module aims to take you beyond pleasure, beyond sensations, beyond it all, for you to experience deep peace and true inner freedom, despite the external circumstances. 



join the journey

Sign up and receive video, audio & written tutorials broken up into 5 easy-to-digest sections. Each lesson contains practical and actionable advice.



Get access to a private Telegram community where you can discuss, ask questions, get feedback, and connect with others.



I will personally answer to any of your inquires and questions, either in the Telegram group or if you prefer private message or email.



I encourage you to really immerse yourself and DO the practices to see REAL results. You have plenty of time, to move in your own pace and enjoy the journey!

kind words from participants

don't miss THE BONUSES


Use this guide to find harmonious & comfortable ways for intimate communication with your partner, without hurting their feelings, and bringing your intimacy to a new level.​


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the whole course

for just 150 EUR

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join in with complete peace that if you feel the practices are not guiding you closer to yourself and theories are not giving you insights you will get your money back no questions asked

i’m karolin. 

holistic sexuality coach and yoga teacher

It has become my heart’s mission to share holistic sexual wellness education, & ancient yoga teachings and integrate science with ancient wisdom.

  • 2008 I started studying ancient eastern sexual wisdom. 
  • 2014 I started teaching classical tantric yoga philosophy and practices
  • 2017 I started giving holistic sexuality courses 
  • 2019, I presented my case-study on instant whole-body orgasms in the International Academy of Sex Research Conference in collaboration with Dr Pfaus.
  • 2022, I obtained a master’s degree in clinical sexology and couple therapy.
  • 2022 The Journal of Sexual Medicine published the article on the study done in collaboration with Dr Jim Pfaus on my instant whole body orgasms. 

The course I have put together is based on my own experience, validated by scientific research and my studies of eastern wisdom, as well as inspired and crafted by the hundreds of stories I have heard from men sharing their intimate challenges.

frequently asked questions

Yes, absolutely! The course consists of  individual practices for you to do on your own. In training to manage and expand sexual energy, individual practices are the foundation from where to take it into partner dynamics.

Managing your own sexual energy is the key in building trust within a partnership, and this will definitely have a strong positive impact on your partner dynamics. 

The most common challenges men sexually face is erectile dysfunction (not able to get hard when you wish to), premature ejaculation (ejaculating quicker than you would like to), anorgasmia (inability to ejaculate when you wish to). Also, many men struggle with porn addiction. This course will support you with all these challenges – it will help you to awaken, guide and manage your sexual energies the way you wish and have better overall control over your sexual functioning.    

It is so important not only to realize but to have a personal experience that when you dedicate time just for yourself, you will be able to be so much more effective and impactful with all your other activities. It is important for you to find your own rhythm to do this course, there is no rush. It is already impactful to take 10-15 min regularly to see real results. As you learn to integrate your own time into your life, you will start finding comfort and ease into longer immersions into the practices.

Yes, absolutely (given you feel ready to explore your sexuality). Whether you are just starting your sexual explorations, you feel you want to expand the experiences you have had so far, or you have reached deep maturity, this course is suitable in guiding any man into the depths of satisfaction.

men's experiences

Greatly broadened my horizons!

The course developed me a lot, and it was meaningful for me. I was very satisfied with the content. The study materials and study videos were professionally prepared, which allowed me to learn the course content independently and successfully. Understanding and applying the materials was effective. The course greatly broadened my horizons.

– michael

So many insights!

Thank you! I believe such a course is so necessary! I appreciated the great emphasis on practice, but there were also so many insights I will take with me!

– martin

Very useful! 

It was a very useful course, so interesting! I learned so much! I think it would be useful for every man to participate in this course! 

– joey


Yoga and energy moving practices made me feel airy, light, tingling- I could say orgastic!  

– chris

Incredibly educational!

I am ever so grateful that I decided to take this course. You are amazing! Thank you for creating such courses, they are incredibly educational! Personally I got what I looked for and more. Thank you for the wonderful experiences!

– ewan

I got more than I thought!

Definitely I encourage you to continue teaching such courses! I have to admit that you are a “natural superstar!” Thank you for this course. You gave me a lot to think about. I got more than I thought I could from here. It is beautiful to see a person who devours the beauty of her profession with every cell of her body.

– axel

managing your sexuality is the KEY in satisfying HER

It is perfectly natural for a man, that there is a lot of sexual energy and drive and that sexual energy awakens quickly in the pelvic area, and that this energy wants to exit in the most direct way, having a clear goal-orientated direction. 

In a partner dynamics however, if a man approaches a woman, from this drive and need to enjoy his arousal and desiring to reach his peak pleasure, actually shuts the woman down…

A woman cannot relax, if your intimate initiative comes from your own neediness. She may go along with you, pretending to be ignited by passion, but this is just an act from her part. Many women have learnt to fake to an extent they themselves don’t understand they are faking…

It is also perfectly normal, that once a man is aroused, as the blood flows into the genitals, the attention flows there too. The genitals then start guiding you, instead of your heart. It is so common for men to lose themselves in their pleasure, assuming, that as they are enjoying intimacy, their partner is too. However, the moment you lose yourself into pleasure, immediately shuts down a woman’s arousal.

A woman’s energy can only deeply awaken, when you manage yours, and you approach her not from the desire and need to stimulate yourself and discharge your energies, but from a deep place of presence & love to gift satisfaction to her. Instead of losing yourself in your pleasure, you stay connected with your heart and have undivided attention for her. This is not suppressing your pleasure, but learning to guide it deeper, so both of you experience the depths of satisfaction.  This can only happen if you manage your sexual energies. 

This is not always an easy task, as the ingrained habitual patterns and the sexual energy are very strong. It is so easy for sexual energy to take over your whole being, and guide you instead of you guiding your sexual energy.  It often requires dedicated practice to reach the depths of satisfaction within and with a partner. 

With simple practices and exercises, it’s possible to master your sexual energy and reach experiences you never thought possible.

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30 days


join in with complete peace that if you feel the practices are not guiding you closer to yourself and theories are not giving you insights you will get your money back no questions asked

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